Dangling black buri beads red corals Seed Earrings
Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
Ginit leopard small 9x3 1 2x9 Native Bags
3 layer 2-3mm hammershell heishe Multi Row Necklace
2 rows sig-id wood tube Coco Bracelets
Coconut pukalet nat nassa Natural Earth Color Necklace
Black and white tones Teens Necklace
Round 40mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
Asstd wrapped and textured wood Teens Necklace
Chocolate stick shell Shell Beads
4-5 coconut pukalet black royal blue Mens Necklace
Tan 2-3mm coconut heishi wire Shell Necklace
Natural horn beads 8mm Horn Beads
Fish handpainted wood refrigerator magnet Refrigerator Magnets
Dangling looped red cut beads Glass Beads Earrings