Leather thong hammershell cracking Natural Earth Color Necklace
Gold mouth Whole Shell Beads
40mm square kabibe 15mm Simple Cuts Pendants
Bamboonatural brown weave burning Wood Bracelets
Red horn button mop Shell Pendant
Rectangular mop psychedelic design Carved Pendants
6 layers intertwined cut and Necklace with Pendant
Graduated amber horn beads Horn Teardrop Beads
45mmx65mm black horn teardrop Horn Pendants
50mmx20mm leaf cowrie tiger shell Wood Necklace
45mm scallop groove cunos Shell Pendants
Tiger camagong crazy cut 20mmx15mm Wood Beads
Lime green 3 layer wax Seeds Necklace
Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
Leather thong fishbone hammershell Shell Necklace