Oblong natural horn-whitish 5x15mm Horn Beads
 6 rows bleach white wood Teens Necklace
 Wax cord shell Teens Necklace
 Leather thong vertagus shell Surfer Necklace
 3 layer glass beads and Teens Necklace
 2 layer nassa tiger Womens Necklace
 Oval 30mm blacktab handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
 Dangling crazy cut shell green horn Bone Earrings
 2-3mm coconut pokalet. natural brown Coco Bracelets
 Oval black lip flower Carved Pendants
 Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
 Round 50mm blacktab shell Hand Painted Pendants
 2-3 coconut heishi natural Coco Necklace
 Wax cord 50mm disc Necklace with Pendant
 Nickel free silver hoop ring Shell Necklace