Leather thong 50mmx25mm half Necklace with Pendant
4-5 coconut pokalet. marblized aqua Coco Splashing Beads
Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
Brown kukui nuts Teens Necklace
Palmwood nangka combination wood Wooden Bangles
Vertagus shell Shell Pendants
50mm round coconut pendant Coco Pendants
45mm handpainted oval blacktab in Shell Necklace
8 layers wax cord Bright & Vivid Color Necklace
Buri tube out skin - Tube Seeds Beads
Dangling gold tones glass beads Glass Beads Necklace
Dangling 35mm round kabibe shell Embossed Art Deco Earrings
Dangling graduated old rose 30mm Shell Earrings
40mmx15mm laminated mop blacktab combination Leather Thong Necklace
Mop checkered pendant skin Necklace with Pendant