White wax cord bamboo Necklace with Pendant
Dangling 35mmx35mm carabao horn heart Horn Earrings
4-5 coconut pukalet nat brown 4-5 white Mens Necklace
7-8 elastic coconut heishi in Coco Necklace
Set jewelry ordered individually as Set Jewelry
Buri tube out skin - Tube Seeds Beads
Haute hippie 38mmx28mm metal cuff Shell Bangles
45mm mop dangling Shell Necklace
2 layers brown satin cord Necklace with Pendant
Round 40mm hammershell handpainted Hand Painted Pendants
Big accent haute hippie 28mm Rings
Cone cunos varying sizes Shell Pendants
Bayong round beads 20mm Round Wood Beads
Painted kukui nuts alt. Kukui Necklace
Big accent haute hippie rounded Rings